Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Monday, November 29, 2010

Two more weeks

I've taken a very relaxing, and homework free, Thanksgiving weekend.  Part of me feels like I should have worked on my final project and/or the last chapter in the textbook, but the fact is, I really enjoyed taking a break from studying and school work.  Now I have to really concentrate and put in some computer time.  It should go pretty fast once I do a little more organizing for the project.  I know what I want to do and, mostly, how to go about getting it done.  It is just a matter of time and effort.  The final project, which is in lieu of a final exam, will be a web site with several linked sites.  I plan on posting it to a web service so it will be available to anyone who is interested.

There are only two more weeks of this semester/class. An indicator of how close the end really is was being able to register for next semester.  Today was the first day I could register which I did to be sure I got the class I want - another computer programming language.  It will be the last programming class I need although I still need one more computer class. I also need 3 or 4 general education classes, which I'll take later on.  I've been tempted to take more but have resisted.  I've waited this long to complete my degree and am not, at the moment, in a big hurry to finish it.  Lazy? Procrastinating? Maybe, but it's an easily handled pace and gives me time to enjoy the retired life that I have become accustomed to and to have plenty of family time.

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