Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Friday, December 3, 2010

Panic Time!!!

A hint:  clicking on the Year or dates on the right side of the blog will take you to other posts I have done.

This is such a rotten time of year to have  deadlines.  I have a big project due next Wednesday afternoon and would prefer to be Christmas shopping and decorating the house and tree.  Guess which I'm going to do first?  Yep! The final project for my class.  It is worth 500 points, a major part of my grade.  Thankfully, every part is all planned out and just involves getting some pictures and other "stuff" together to include in this wonderful, exciting web site I am creating for a family of fictitious businesses.  I think you will all enjoy it once it is done and posted to the web.  This is the kind of project I like to do because it is creative in many ways.  It's good that there's a deadline though, otherwise, I'd probably finish it by Valentine's Day - or something like that.

So far, I'm not too panicked and feel like everything is under control.  We'll see if it works out that way.  It's always exciting to be a procrastinator - at least for me.  Not so much for Dale.  For him, it's just an ache in his stomach.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, that procrastination thing sounds familiar. I seem to do that with everything. I wait until I'm famished and then think about cooking, but by then it's too late because I can't wait for the food preparation. I wait until I'm too tired to get ready for bed, and then I just sit and stare at the clock, wishing I was already in bed. You'd think I would learn.

    But there is something to be said for the half-panicked energy of getting something done because your time is up and you have no choice! ;)

    Anyway, about your college project deadline falling at Christmas time, (arrgghh!), I guess they figure most of the students aren't home-maker moms and grandmoms. They are older kids whose moms do most of the decorating, baking and shopping for them. :) That's what makes you special and unique!

    Keep up the good work, Auntie!
