Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A surprise for me!

I got a surprise in my email last night.  I have been invited to apply for honors classes at Crafton Hills College!!  I just stared at the email, reread it, printed it and showed it to my husband, who confirmed it really said what I thought it did.  I never expected or even thought about this, but I am very excited about it and now will  do some investigating and make a decision before even applying.  My investigation will be to find out if there is a time limit to finish my degree when taking honors classes because I don't think I want to take more than one class per semester, as I have been doing.  Another issue is that, right now, I don't plan to transfer to a four year college.  I suppose that could change, but, if there is a limit to the number of students taking honors classes, I don't want to take a place away from someone who does intend to continue on.  Wow!  My mind is still trying to wrap itself around this.  I know that many students also received this email, but to me it's another example of never being too old to go to school, learn and explore the new worlds that open up for you.

1 comment:

  1. Honors classes?! That's great! Congratulations for getting the email! Keep us posted if that goes anywhere... ;)
