Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The "Grammy Brain" is alive and well.

The ups and downs of going to college have hit home this semester.  As I have said, the C++ class I have been taking is really taxing my poor old brain.  Last week I discovered why:  the department chair I talked to about my problems told me that I should be working on a minor in mathematics to be in that class!!!  I had already checked out some symbols and terminology that I didn't have a clue about and discovered that algebra has changed a whole lot in the last 50+ years and that some of the terms were actually from statistics, which I have never had.  It turns out the problem wasn't my brain after all, but my educational background.  It never occurred to me that algebra would change that much since I took it way back when they were chipping "a=c+b/10" on rocks.
The result of all these discoveries is that I have dropped the class and, since no other classes that I need were still open, I am spending this semester completing projects here at home, reading books I have stacked in waiting, and catching up with myself.  Needless to say, I am already enjoying the resulting drop in my stress level.  I was really feeling like a complete dunce until I started researching the symbols and terms I had never seen before, much less understoond.  What a relief!!!  My "grammy brain" is not totally gone.  I am looking forward to taking a computer class I do need in the fall and maybe a Gen. Ed. one this summer.  Thanks for the continued support and kind words.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I can almost FEEL your relief. Enjoy the break!
    Love you, Auntie C.
