Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A little longer break.

I have actually learned a few things since I dropped that horrid class.  First of all, I miss school - the interaction with other students and instructors as well as the challenge of learning new things;  but Ithe biggest thing I miss is having some structure to my days.  Now, I'm never quite sure what day it is, much less the date.  Every once in a while, I'll have 3 days that all seem like Saturday, or Friday, or pick-a-day. 

I have kept busy reading and playing on my computer as well as completing a few projects that I had neglected. There are still a few projects on my to-do list which is a good thing because, due to state budget cuts, there's only one class being offered this summer that I need .  However, it is a 4-day a week class and I don't want to go to school 4 days a week for several reasons.  Primarily, it's a matter of economics and the cost of gasoline these days.

So, I'll just take another semester off and wait until the fall semester (which usually starts in August, which doesn't make much sense to me) and take a class then.  I was never in a hurry, anyway.  Why should I be after 50+ years? I'll just drag out some another unfinished or "unstarted" projects (Add that to your new-age dictionary.  If reporters can do it, so can I).  Maybe I'll accomplish a lot before August.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about getting days all "catty-wunkus"... If I didn't have Wednesday night and Sunday church, I'd never know what day it is since I'm not at all calendar oriented. I even missed my own birthday one year, and I've missed lots of minor holidays and national time changes over the years. :)

    So glad you are getting some stuff done! August will come quickly!

    Love you!
