Crafton Hills College

Crafton Hills College
Original Library Building

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I'm am now in the mysterious land of Geekdom with all it's secrets, rituals, and intense testosterone.  First of all, it's an intense programming class, the uses for which is one of the mysteries.  Secondly, is the 9 a.m. start time with an instructor who is a stickler for punctuality and "proper" instruction.  To define "proper" instruction I have to tell you what I have become used to over the last 4 semesters.  The instructor I have had has an "occupational credential" that allows him to teach only his subject (Computer Information) and he does not have a background in education.  Very laid back, takes roll and gives any tests on the computer, and knows more about the computer world than anyone should know.  This semester's teacher takes oral roll call, wants all assignments turned in on paper (not on a school website) and will give tests and quizzes on paper.  AACCKK!!!  Reality check!!!  I'll cope but the stress level will no doubt go up a zillion notches when test time comes. I am now 1 of 3 females in a class of about 25 which is a little intimidating, but, now that I think about it, actually fairly normal for computer programming classes.  Ten days ago there were 4 or 5 females and the class was full at 30 students.  One big difference is that almost all of the students are under 30.  I will stick with this class, but I think there will be some real challenges along the way - like finding out what this programming language is used for.  A boost to my ego came on Wed. when I understood something a youngster didn't.  Hurrah! for the senior citizen!
I have, accidentally, found a quick cure for the procrastination problem - mistake the date to turn in an assignment by a week.  I am now, at least temporarily, ahead of schedule.  I thought an assignment was due last Wed., but it's actually due next Wed.  One giant point for me.  Now the task will be to keep it up.  Hmmmmmmmmm, doesn't sound like me at all, but definitely worth a try.
For the record, I am enjoying this class and beginning to understand the vocabulary it uses. Each programming language uses it's own terminology even though the general premise is the same.  Once you learn that terminology, the rest usually follows fairly easily.  I sure hope this one does.

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