Today I took the first step towards going back to school after two semesters off - spring and summer. You already know about me withdrawing from the spring semester class (not enough math knowledge/too long since I took an algebra class) and I didn't register for a summer class because all were four day a week, six week classes. I decided at the beginning of this adventure not to take 4 day a week classes and want to stick to it, although I did give a summer class some thought. I still believe it's the right choice for me. Now I have a deadline for completing all the projects I had on my list. Maybe I will actually get some of them done by August 16th. I've always worked better under a deadline, much to my family's disgust.
I will be taking "JavaScript", another computer programming language that will count towards my degree and emphasis program. I had a sampling of it in one of my other programming classes and am somewhat familiar with it. There is also a free online tutorial I could use to brush up on it. I certainly hope that helps, just in case my brains have fried from an overdose of reading novels. I don't know how many I have read - didn't even count them, but I enjoyed every one!
On to those projects, and some new ones I thought of!! Hope your spring and summer has been as relaxing as mine has been.